Employee Email (Classic) API Authentication

Learn about Employee Email (Classic) API authentication.

Employee Email (Classic)

The Employee Email (Classic) API is secured by and . For performing requests on this API, you need to generate an API key from the Employee Email instance.

Add the API key to the Authorization header of every request as follows:

  1. Combine Auth ID and Access Key with a colon (:).
  2. Encode the resulting string using Base64.
  3. Prepend the encoded string with the authorization method and a space character.
    For example, Basic {{insert-your-encoded-string}}

Use the https://apis.bananatag.com endpoint for our US Hosting instance, app.bananatag.com.
Use the https://apis.de.bananatag.com endpoint for our EU Hosting instance, app.de.bananatag.com.
More details on how to access our different instances.

This is a sample HTTP request:

GET /contacts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Host: apis.bananatag.com
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXX

When everything worked like expected you should receive an HTTP response with the status code 200 and repsonse data. An example response could look like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json