API Authentication

Learn about Staffbase Platform API authentication.

Employee App
Staffbase Intranet
Staffbase Email

The Staffbase API is secured by and . Learn more about security at Staffbase website.

For performing requests on our API, you need the following from the API token page in the Staffbase Studio:

You need the base URL and the to create an .

You need to add the base URL as the host on every request within the authorization header.

For example,

Host: exampleapp.staffbase.com

You need to add the API token on every request within the authorization header as follows:

Authorization: Basic {{insert-your-token-here}}

An example of a plain API request is as follows:

GET /api/users HTTP/1.1
Host: exampleapp.staffbase.com
Authorization: Basic dGVzdDEyMzQ2Nzg6dGVzdDEyMzQ2Nzg=

When the API request works as expected, you receive an HTTP response with the status code 200 and response data.
For example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json