
Stay up to date on recent changes to Staffbase APIs and other developer products and features.

There are no changelog entries yet. Stay tuned for upcoming updates!

May 16, 2024

Employee App
Front Door Intranet

April 9, 2024

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • In Campaigns API, the sort parameter has been improved. Now, you have the following enum values for the sort parameter:
    • updated_DESC - Sort the reference list in descending order based on the last updated date
    • created_DESC - Sort the references attached to a campaign based on the date they were created in descending order, from newest to oldest.
    • updated_ASC - Sort the references attached to a campaign based on the date they were last updated in ascending order, from oldest to newest.
    • scheduledFor_ASC - Sort the reference list in ascending order based on the publishing order.
    • scheduledFor_DESC - Sort the reference list in descending order based on the publishing order.
      In addition, the default value has been changed from updated_DESC to created_DESC.

March 6, 2024

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • If you use SAML SSO, you now have the option to configure the SAML domain hints. These hints ensure that users don't attempt to authenticate with the identity provider (IdP) using domains that are not allowed when using the Staffbase platform. To activate this feature, contact Staffbase Support or your Customer Success Manager. It's worth noting that this feature currently works with Microsoft Entra ID as the IdP, although it may also work with other IdPs.

March 5, 2024

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • The content types multipart/form-data and application/x-www-form-urlencoded have been removed from the Chat API.

February 19, 2024

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • The user/tags endpoint under the User API has been removed. You can use Tags API instead.

December 31, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • The Leave Webservice and Shift Webservice are no longer available as public Staffbase APIs.

December 1, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • The Profile API is no longer available as a public Staffbase API. You can use User API for the same purposes. Contact Staffbase Support or your Customer Success Manager for more information.

October 25, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • When updating pending user details with the User API, the profile fields were not populated. This has been fixed quickly.

August 31, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • In User API, the verificationCode, pending and enabled response fields of a user account will be removed until 31/08/2024. Instead, you can now use:
    • secret for the verificationCode response field
    • status for the pending and enabled response fields
  • It also replaced the enabled property with the status property to enable or disable a user with a request.

To migrate to the new properties, see the migration guide.

August 10, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • Introducing Tags API for more scalable and user-friendly format for returning tags used in user profiles. The Tags API will replace the user/tags endpoint under the User API. The user/tags endpoint will soon be removed. If you are still using user/tags endpoint, Staffbase recommends migrating to the Tags API.
  • Introducing a new addition to the Analytics API: the User timeseries endpoint. This endpoint returns information on total, registered, active, and engaged users for a specific time frame. It comes with significant improvements, offering enhanced functionality and improved performance to ensure your integrations are future-proof.
    As part of this update, the existing User timeseries with SCIM endpoint will be deprecated. Staffbase will continue to support this endpoint until the beginning of 2024, after which it will no longer be supported. Staffbase recommends migrating to the User timeseries endpoint.

July 14, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • Users and tokens assigned as editors on a specific plugin could set properties via API on these plugins, which exceeded their permission level. This has been fixed. Now, users and tokens with editorial access for specific plugins can only set the plugin properties available to them in the Studio user interface.

June 16, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • In User API, the source response field of a user has been removed. Instead, you can now use the creation response field.

May 11, 2023

Employee Email
  • Introducing Contact API that allows you to sync your recipients’ email addresses and other attributes from any third-party human resources system directly into Employee Email for creating custom distribution lists.

April 13, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • In User API, the creation date of the user account got incorrectly overwritten with the activation date. This has been fixed.

February 9, 2023

Employee App
Front Door Intranet
  • In News, when the User API was used to search for posts, acknowledgments were not displayed. This has been fixed.