Allowlisting Staffbase Email

Domain names and IP ranges that can be allowed for Staffbase Email functionality

Employee Email

Depending on your organization's network security requirements, allowlisting select Staffbase Email (formerly Bananatag) domains is required to ensure the successful delivery, tracking of emails, and avoiding spam folder.

The URLs listed here can change without prior notification. Review this page periodically to ensure the URLs listed here match those allowed in your system.

Domain Names to Allow

Allow these domain names for basic email functionality:

US Hosting

  • *
    • Tracking Event System
      Confirm if your organization uses a custom tracking domain by checking the link wrappers in one of your sent emails.
  • *
    • App + Image Hosting

EU Hosting

  • * (🆕 added on February 24, 2023)
    • Tracking Event System
      Confirm if your organization uses a custom tracking domain by checking the link wrappers in one of your sent emails.
  • * (🆕 added on February 24, 2023)
    • App + Image Hosting
  • *
    • App + Image Hosting
    • Image Hosting

Sending IP Addresses

Many organizations have firewalls and other mail security tools in place to help protect from attacks on the internet. Knowing the IP addresses of the incoming emails allows your team to specifically trust emails coming from Staffbase Email or to create rules in the system to deliver Staffbase Email safely.

While Staffbase Email uses AWS SES to deliver emails, the outgoing IP addresses are dedicated and specific to Staffbase Email. The rules created for these IP addresses will apply only to mails from Staffbase Email and not any other individuals or businesses who may also be using AWS SES.

Staffbase Email maintains a set of IP addresses from which your emails can be sent. These IP addresses are dedicated and specific to both our US and EU Staffbase Email instances. Below you can find additional information on our sending IP addresses specific to both our Staffbase Email instances.

Emails sent from the Staffbase Email web app will be sent through one of the IP addresses listed below. There is no guarantee which IP address an individual email will be sent through. In order to allowlist the email, the entire range need to be allowlisted. Also, the IP addresses are subject to change from time to time. Check this article to ensure you have the most up to date information.

Customers sending emails from the web app can check the Staffbase Email sending IP SPF record to find the outgoing IP addresses of the emails. The IP addresses can be obtained by querying Staffbase Email's SPF record.

IP Ranges for US Instance

The following information about sending IP addresses only applies to our US Hosting instance,
More details on how to access our different instances.

You can query the Staffbase Email's SPF record (at the subdomain) to obtain the IP address.

Here is an example of how to query the list of IP addresses from Terminal on Mac (including a filter to get only the SPF record):

dig TXT +short| grep 'v=spf1'

Here’s the equivalent query using the Windows command prompt:

nslookup -type=TXT | find "v=spf1"

Returned list of IP ranges:

  • ip4:
  • ip4:
  • ip4:

Those ranges include IP addresses from to

IP Ranges for EU Instance

The following information only applies to our EU Hosting instance,
More details on how to access our different instances.

You can query the Staffbase Email's SPF record (at the subdomain) to obtain the IP address.

Here is an example of how to query the list of IP addresses from Terminal on Mac (including a filter to get only the SPF record):

dig TXT +short| grep 'v=spf1'

Here’s the equivalent query using the Windows command prompt:

nslookup -type=TXT | find "v=spf1"

Used list of IP ranges:

  • ip4:
  • ip4:
  • ip4:

Those ranges include IP addresses from to